Anime & Manga
I run a small local shop, specialising in Otaku & Geek culture and dedicated to providing Anime and Manga to fans of the media.

Zen Logic is not a large company or chain - instead I created the sort of shop I would like to have existed when I first discovered Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Guyver back in the 90s.
You are more than welcome to come in to browse, discover new titles, talk about the series you love and meet people who share your interest.
Unlike most book stores and comic shops, who tend to offer a small amount of shelf space to these great Japanese media, my goal is to stock as wide a range as is currently available and in print. Obviously without the backing of a huge corporation, we cannot stock every single title; however, we know where to source it and will track down hard to find and out of print books and video on your behalf wherever possible.