Mind Game (15) Blu-Ray
Mind Game is an anime feature film directed by Masaaki Yuasa and based on the manga book of the same name by Robin Nishi.
The story follows Nishi, a perverted 20-year-old man based on the author of the original manga, who meets his childhood girlfriend at a bar only to be murdered, sent back to life to change his fate, and taken on a highly surreal experience.
When Nishi, Myon and Yan arrive at the old man's home inside the whale, he treats them to a whole table of sushi, which leaves them looking overstuffed for a few shots.
Publisher: Anime Ltd
Released: April 30th 2018
Classification: 15
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Running Time: 104mins
The story follows Nishi, a perverted 20-year-old man based on the author of the original manga, who meets his childhood girlfriend at a bar only to be murdered, sent back to life to change his fate, and taken on a highly surreal experience.
When Nishi, Myon and Yan arrive at the old man's home inside the whale, he treats them to a whole table of sushi, which leaves them looking overstuffed for a few shots.
Publisher: Anime Ltd
Released: April 30th 2018
Classification: 15
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Running Time: 104mins